Muscle Gain 7 Mistakes to avoid

Muscle Gain 7 Mistakes to avoid

Some of our clients wants to lose weight and instead gain muscle and become bulkier.  This is not really what they want to achieve.  

On the other side, we have some clients with no muscles and they really want to gain some muscle and weight, but instead they become really cut.

So we want to share here with you the 7 mistakes to avoid when your goal is to build muscles.

  1. You can spend all evening at the gym;
  2. You are still on the same program that gave you amazing results last year;
  3. Your last meal or snack was over 4 hours ago;
  4. You don't remember when you had breakfast recently;
  5. You have been working out your upper body everyday;
  6. You don't really eat on your day off;
  7. You like to do a full body workout program.